TWI Training successfully hold updated RI course in France

TWI Training successfully held the first-ever session of the newly updated CSWIP Level 2 Radiographic Interpretation (RI) course, in France.

The updated course focused on practical knowledge, solving a specific set of tasks to simulate real industrial conditions. To achieve this, each candidate was issued with an identical set of radiographs to interpret ahead of an assessment based on real-life procedures. Solutions prepared by experienced interpreters were presented at the end of each session, along with a group discussion of the tasks.

Many of the candidates felt that the discussions added an extra dimension to the course and most thought that the practical sessions should be expanded into an extra day of training. As it stands, the certification scheme allows 6 days for the training, of which half comprises practical sessions.

The RI course covers a relatively large volume of knowledge, which can be a challenge to cover in the 56 hour time-frame, especially if the students have different technical backgrounds.

Showing an international appeal, the course attracted 10 students from a variety of nationalities, including one Korean, one Spaniard, one Italian, three Chinese and four from France.

As required, the facilities contained all the necessary equipment to deliver the training and, as with any new course, we were happy to receive recommendations to improve the delivery of the training going forward.

That said, the practical aspects of the course were received positively by all of the students and it was also agreed that the new format was easier for both students and lecturers, while the feedback, both verbal and written, was positive and constructive. The new format was deemed to be easy to follow and acts as good preparation to get students ready for the exam.

The new RI training format is to be introduced by all TWI training centres.

For further information, please contact or call +44 (0)1223 899500.