Accelerated Work Experience Programme for NDT

The Accelerated Work Experience Programme by TWI is ideal if you have successfully completed a CSWIP or PCN Level 2 course and exam in Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) methods, but lack the necessary work experience for certification. This programme is designed to help you meet the work experience requirements by allowing you to claim 50% of the total work experience required, with the remainder to be completed under appropriate supervision in an industrial environment.

Here's a breakdown of the programme duration and costs for each NDT method:

Magnetic Testing (MT), Penetrant Testing (PT), Visual Testing (VT)
Duration: 8 days
Cost: £800 + VAT for both PCN and CSWIP

Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT)
Duration: 8 days (PCN), 12 days (CSWIP)
Cost: £800 + VAT (PCN), £1200 + VAT (CSWIP)

Time of Flight Diffraction (ToFD)
Duration: 24 days (PCN), 8 days (CSWIP)
Cost: £2400 + VAT (PCN), £800 + VAT (CSWIP)

Ultrasonic Testing (UT)
Duration: 24 days
Cost: £2400 + VAT for both PCN and CSWIP

Eddy Current Testing (ET), Radiographic Testing (RT), Alternating Current Field Measurement (ACFM)
Duration: Not applicable for PCN, 24 days for CSWIP
Cost: £2400 + VAT (CSWIP)

This programme is ideal for you if you are looking for a structured and efficient way to fulfil the work experience requirements for NDT certification. The flexibility of completing the programme in one block or across individual days allows you to balance your training with other professional and personal commitments. Moreover, the programme is conducted under procedures approved by CSWIP and PCN, ensuring that you receive industry standard training.

If you are eager to advance your career in NDT and want to expedite your certification process, the TWI Accelerated Work Experience Programme offers a valuable and practical solution to meet your goals. For more information, please contact us.