Getting ready for a retest or renewal? Involved in a new work project?
Do you need help to prepare for a retest, renewal or simply to refresh your knowledge prior to commencing a new project?
Have you considered one of our refresher training courses?
They are aimed at post-training students who wish to review, reinforce or refresh their knowledge and skills.
Our very knowledgeable lecturers are aware that taking an exam or starting a new project is a pressurised situation, so they will answer all your questions and give very clear explanations.
We offer two types of refresher training courses – classroom-based or online, across several programmes:
Welding Inspection
In the UK, we also offer classroom-based refresher training for all NDT methods, on request, for both CSWIP and PCN. These are delivered in Middlesbrough, Cambridge and Aberdeen. In addition, we deliver refresher training onsite for groups.
See below some of the feedback received following a refresher welding inspection training session delivered by Darren Jefferies in the UK at the end of July. The candidates were preparing to undertake retests and ten year renewals.
Tutor was great and helped me with all queries, explained everything clearly so I could understand.
Very knowledgeable lecturer. Maintained a positive and upbeat atmosphere. Answered all candidates with good explanations and in-depth information.
A very positive experience, especially at this unprecedented time we are in. An extremely knowledgeable and attentive tutor. I look forward to returning.
Excellent presentation by Darren Jefferies, who had the patience and time to answer any queries. Relaxed and very professional at the same time - thank you very much.
The training refresher courses are offered globally. Interested? Please contact your nearest global training centre for availability/dates.