TWI UK Training Centres are reopening

We are pleased to announce that TWI will be reopening its UK facilities initially at TWI Cambridge and TWI Middlesbrough as from the week commencing the 15th June. We are then looking to expand this as from the 6th July to incorporate additional courses.

Initially this will include places for those wanting to recertify, retest to either CSWIP, PCN, BGAS-CSWIP, Underwater or EWF/IIW Diploma. Priority will be given to those who need to recertify due to the forthcoming end of extensions granted due to the COVID 19 Pandemic.

TWI Training and Examination Services has have been working side by side with TWI's Health and Safety Department to ensure both staff and customers are kept safe hence we will be limiting the number of spaces available and incorporating health and safety procedures for all those entering the building.

We look forward to welcoming you back to TWI.

For all enquiries please contact:

TWI UK Training Centres are reopening