
You have a legal duty of care to protect the health and safety of your employees and others affected by your activities. TWI, with its experience and expertise, can help you meet these requirements.

TWI provides global health and safety training, consultancy and auditing services, compliant with internationally recognised certification schemes such as IOSH, MEDIC and more.

Bespoke courses, suited to your particular field, or designed to address a particular problem , are also available. These are tailored to a client's specific needs.

Our portfolio of courses and certification schemes are regularly reviewed and new products and services are introduced across different regions to match the evolving demands of industry.

Our consultancy services include, but are not limited to:

  • Accident and incident recording, reporting and investigation
  • Fire risk assessment
  • Generic risk assessment
  • Health and safety compliance audit
  • Development of site safety plan
  • Development of Emergency Procedures
  • Policy and procedure creation and compliance audit
  • Support in achieving ISO 9001, ISO14001 and ISO45001
  • HAZOP studies

Please contact us to find out exactly which services are on offer in your region.

Frequently asked questions

Try our list of frequently asked questions.

If you can’t find an answer, please contact us using the button below: Contact customer services

Can TWI support you in reaching safety and health goals?

Our qualified and experienced team can provide support to reach the goals set, as well as your on-site requirements, whatever the size or sector of your business.

TWI offers a wide range of support. From development of health and safety management systems and policies , to an assessment of your needs with pragmatic solutions in a day, our services are delivered to large corporations, SMEs, government bodies and the not-for-profit sector.

How can TWI assist globally and locally?

Wherever your organization is in the world, TWI can assist you to ensure legal compliance. This allows you to maximize profits through the increased efficiency and productivity that organizations which incorporate good occupational safety and health into all aspects of their business enjoy.

We can report findings and recommendations for your whole business or on a site-by-site basis. With a global team, we provide a cost effective multisite service delivering all your requirements across a full range of health, safety, fire and other topics whatever the location.