Is it for me?

This course is designed for you if you are a plant engineer, non-destructive testing engineer, materials and corrosion engineer, or a plant inspector responsible for managing the integrity of ageing process equipment, pipelines, boilers and storage tanks, wishing to gain an appreciation of advanced NDT techniques.

What will I learn?

This course offers you training in a variety of principles, including:

Phased Array:
An overview of phased array inspection principles; the phased array instrument; phased array probes; calibration/checks; inspection sensitivity; principles of data analysis; software familiarity.

Time of Flight Diffraction (ToFD):
Introduction into the principles of ToFD inspection, theory and principles of diffraction; ToFD hardware (pulsars, receivers, motor control and encoders); ToFD data acquisition and interpretation; calibration and optimisation; optimising PCS and angles; flaw location and sizing; limitations of detection and resolution.

Digital Radiography:
Principles of digital radiography; calibration of equipment; image processing using phosphor screens; overview of software specific parameters; calibration of measuring tools; effects of magnification; definition of accuracy constraints and capabilities of CR system; modification of image; use of analysis software.

Principles of infrared imaging; calibration of the instrument; storing and retrieving data; understanding of qualitative thermography in order to identify various patterns; familiarisation with the conditions required to carry out various inspections including mechanical, electrical components, energy systems and to consider any associated limitations.

Long Range Ultrasonic Testing:
Principles of LRUT, capabilities and limitations; corrosion effects in pipework; introduction to GW test equipment; introduction to GW operating software; operation of test equipment; checking test equipment; selection of test conditions; practical data collection; focused test.

Electromagnetic Techniques:
Overview of electrical and electromagnetic theory; principles of ACFM (Alternating Current field Measurement), RFET (Remote Field Eddy current) and MFL (Magnetic Flux Leakage); capabilities and limitations of the techniques, typical applications, equipment, ECA (Eddy Current Array).

Ultrasonic Inspection of Austenitic Materials:
Problems associated with the ultrasonic evaluation of austenitic welds, conventional techniques for overcoming these problems; the application of phased array ultrasonic testing; use of 2D probes.

What will I leave with?

By the end of the course, you should be able to:

  • Appreciate the available methods
  • Explain the advanced principles of these methods
  • Identify the advantages and disadvantages of these, both in application and defect detection capability

What else should I know?

There are no entry requirements for this course.


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