What will I learn?
Three levels available provide personnel with the knowledge to join a range of materials and methods of avoiding problems. Modules include materials science, technology and an understanding of the characteristics and weldability of different materials, ranging from steels to non-ferrous materials. Also, cracking phenomena are presented together with methods to avoid them.
We have introduced a new suite of eLearning options for the TWI Diploma. The modules are ideal for pre-course learning or revision, providing additional flexibility to your training and allowing you to work in your own time. The eLearning modules are FREE for anyone who signs up for a TWI Welding Diploma course (Specialist, Technologist or Engineer levels).
What else should I know?
As there are various routes for obtaining the qualifications of Welding Specialist, Welding technologist and Welding Engineer, your first step is to forward your CV, copies of qualifications (Plus transcripts if your qualifications were gained overseas) for assessment to trainexam@twitraining.co.uk
Book your place on the course
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